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Terms and conditions


The services offered on the site https://travel.rolandgarros.com (“the Site“) are developed and offered for sale by the company MYCOMM, holder of a concession of the ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL brand for the sole purpose of the sale. services offered on the Site. The Site is published by MYCOMM, a limited liability company with capital of €13,160 registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Créteil under number B 510 368 400 and in the Register of Travel and Stay Operators under number IM094100035, of which the head office is located at 40 avenue Raspail 94250 GENTILLY, operating the ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL brand and represented by its Manager Mr Grégory SEVAULT (“ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL”).

MYCOMM’s professional civil liability is insured with the company HISCOX, 12, quai des Queyries – CS 41177 – 33072 Bordeaux, contract no. HA RCP0085051 for an amount of €1,500,000 per claim and per year of insurance. The financial guarantee intended to guarantee the funds received, by virtue of articles L.211-18 and R. 211-26 to R. 211-34 of the Tourism Code, is provided by APST, 15 Avenue Carnot 75017 Paris, contract n° IM094100035.


The Site brings together offers (“the Offers”) of hospitality packages combining the exclusive ticketing of the ROLAND-GARROS Tournament and various services provided by the Partners (“the Partners”) of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL among accommodation, transport , gifts and receptive activities in Paris (“Packages” or Hospitalities”) and allows individuals, groups, Works Councils or companies to make reservations according to standard or VIP terms, for a specific date or period (“Customers “).

These special conditions of sale and use (“CPV“) are applicable to any use of the Site and to any reservation of Hospitalities made by Customers from the Site or by telephone, managed by a team of dedicated advisers. accessible at the number mentioned on the Site (“Order”).

The Special Conditions of Sale and the Charter which follow define the conditions for the purchase of tourist services by email or telephone, as well as the conditions of access and use of the Sites by Users and Visitors.

They are brought to the attention of the Customer before any commitment on his part and complete the prior information referred to in article R.211-4 of the Tourism Code, in addition to the descriptive sheets of the Services and in certain cases, the Special Conditions of payment and cancellation in particular, specific to certain products and services. In the latter case, the specific Conditions indicated on the preliminary description of the product will prevail over the general text of these Special Conditions of Sale.

The prior information provided for in Article R. 211-4 of the Tourism Code may be modified after publication on the Site or communication to the Customer, in particular as regards the main characteristics of the travel services (in particular the conditions of transport and the progress of the stay and accommodation), the price, the terms of payment, the minimum number of people possibly required for the trip, the conditions for cancellation by the customer, in accordance with articles R. 211-5 and L. 211 -9. The customer will be informed of this in a clear, comprehensible and apparent manner before the conclusion of the travel contract.

By validating his Order, the customer expressly acknowledges having read these CPV, which can be downloaded or printed via a dedicated link, as well as more specific descriptions of the chosen Offers. Failure to accept all or part of the CPV by the Customer will result in his renunciation of any use or benefit of the Offers of the Site.

These CPV are up to date as soon as they are published online or communicated to the Customer and cancel and replace any previous version.

By confirming their Order, Customers acknowledge having read and understood the CPV and agree to be bound by them. The CPV prevail over all other contractual documents issued by the Clients.

Any other service acquired by the Customer without the intervention of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL or the Site from a partner or any other service provider is not governed by the CPV and is foreign to ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL.

No right of withdrawal

In accordance with article L.221-28 12° of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal does not apply to accommodation, transport, catering and leisure services provided for periods or on specific dates. and ordered on the Site or by telephone cannot be subject to a right of withdrawal. (with the exception of specific insurance, see the Insurance section).


According to the provisions of article 1369-8 of the Civil Code, the Customer accepts the use of electronic media as a method of concluding the contract for the purchase of services. The Customer can place his Order via the Site or by telephone at 01 84 76 22 38. The Order will only be final after payment of the deposit, acceptance of the CPV and confirmation by ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL.
To place an Order, the Customer must be an adult natural person (or failing that, place the Order with his legal representatives) and be legally capable of contracting.
The Customer selects and reserves the desired Hospitalities, subject to availability, the Offers being managed in real time. In the event of the occurrence of a difficulty of any kind whatsoever on an Offer selected by the Customer, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will offer an alternative solution within forty-eight (48) hours or, failing that, will refund the amount paid.
At the time of the Order (via the Site or by telephone at the number mentioned on the Site), cancellation insurance is systematically offered to Customers. To find out the details of the guarantees offered, Customers can consult the document accessible on the Site called “Cancellation Insurance”.
All booking requests must be accompanied by a minimum deposit of 100% of the amount of the Stay, inclusive of all taxes, including any options (excluding insurance and any administration fees payable upon deposit) and the full price of the ticket office at pay with ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL. The balance must be paid to ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL no later than thirty (30) days before the first day of the Stay.
After reminder and in the absence of payment of the balance at the latest thirty (30) days before the first day of the Stay, the Order may be canceled without the Customer being able to recover the sums initially paid.
If the Order is placed less than thirty (30) days before the start date of the Stay, full payment of the Offer will be required when the Order is placed.
ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will send an email to the address provided by the Customer acknowledging receipt of their reservation request.
Once the Order has been validated and settled, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will send the Customer an e-mail containing the download link for the Have a Good Trip application including dematerialized exchange vouchers or vouchers (“Exchange Voucher“) as well as all the documents necessary for the successful completion of his trip. The Exchange Voucher includes the contact details of the Partners.
By validating an Order, the Customer submits to ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL an offer to contract that ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL reserves the right to refuse, cancel and terminate at any time if the circumstances make it legitimate, in particular in the event of violation content of the CPV or attempted fraud.
The Order will only be valid when ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL has sent the Customer the confirmation email or letter.


Price description

The total price of Hospitality is the one shown on the order confirmation sent by ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL. It is expressed in Euros and includes VAT for Packages.

The prices used in the contracts have been calculated on the basis of exchange rates, air fares and land services known at the time of booking confirmation.

The prices are indivisible and any waiver of services included in the contract or any interruption of the Packages due to the Customer (even in the event of hospitalization or early repatriation), cannot give rise to reimbursement, unless specific insurance is provided.

Under no circumstances will the prices published when placing an Order bind ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL for future Orders. Prices may be modified at any time by ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL, without notice and except for Orders in progress which will remain at the Price displayed when the Order is placed.
Administration fees, the amount of which is specified in the quote before the validation of the Order, will apply per Reservation and for any Order, unless otherwise stated on the Site or exceptional discount. ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL does not charge booking fees.
Tourist taxes are not included in the prices of Stays and must be paid, where applicable, by the Customer on site and at the start of the stay. Their amount varies according to the number of people accompanying the Customer and the number of nights of the stay. The Customer declares to be informed of the payment of these taxes and undertakes to pay them at the start of the stay or at check-out.
Any offers and promotions apply to new Orders and cannot benefit Orders already validated and paid for in whole or in part by the Customer.
Payment by credit card: National credit card, VISA, EuroCard/MasterCard, American Express

Under Article L.132.2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, the commitment to pay given by means of a payment card is irrevocable. This payment can only be opposed in the event of loss, theft or fraudulent use of the card. Any opposition for another reason or as a right of withdrawal constitutes credit card fraud. The full amount of the order is debited from the Customer’s bank card upon confirmation of the reservation.

ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL provides its customers with a modern and secure method of payment by credit card. ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL ensures that the collection, recording and use of data comply with the law on the protection of personal data.

These data are only used in the context of the finalization of the Customer’s travel contract (payment, possible reimbursement, costs) and are encrypted by the secure server of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL. The Customer accepts that his bank details will be used by ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL to pay for Orders. ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will never ask the Customer to send all their credit card data by email, fax, post or any other unsecured communication channel. If the Customer receives such a request, he must ignore it and immediately inform ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL.

As part of an identity check and to prevent any fraud, the Customer may however receive a request to send his bank card data (by email, fax or post), part of which must be replaced by Xs. , accompanied by a copy of his identity document. ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL declines all responsibility for damage resulting from the sending of credit card data, for which no request has been made.


Subject to the agreement of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL, the Customer may proceed by bank transfer exclusively in Euros, after communication of the company’s bank details.

The transfer must imperatively be confirmed by the issuing bank, to be sent by the Customer to the accounting department by email, the contact details of which will be sent when the Order is confirmed. This confirmation of transfer must mention the surname, first name and order number. The Order will be considered validated after confirmation of the transfer of the corresponding funds (deposit or total amount). Please note: the costs relating to the transfer remain the responsibility of the Customer.

1.Rejection fees

The Customer is informed that any bank charges for rejection or any other banking operation remain at his expense.


Any refund will be made using the same method of payment used for payment by the Customer. The reimbursement will possibly be reduced by the contractual cancellation fees. Certain air transport tickets are not refundable as soon as they are purchased by the Customer. In the event of non-use of the plane ticket for any reason whatsoever, the mandatory airport taxes are refundable to the Customer on his request, free of charge for an online request and with costs corresponding to a maximum of 20% of the amount reimbursed for any offline request.


The prices published by ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL have been established according in particular to the following economic conditions:

Cost of transport, linked in particular to the cost of fuel or other energy. International transport is paid in euros with our air service providers.
Taxes and fees relating to the services included in the contract, such as tourist, landing or embarkation and disembarkation taxes at ports and airports.
Exchange rate in relation to the contract.

The economic data retained will be reported on the confirmation of the Order:

1.Price variation

In accordance with Articles L. 211-12 and R.211-8 of the Tourism Code, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL reserves the right to modify the prices of its services, both upwards and downwards, within the legal limits provided and according to the following terms:

Currency exchange rate variation.

If the fluctuation of the exchange rate were to influence the total price of the trip by more than 8%, this impact would be fully passed on to the price (both upwards and downwards).

Of course, this currency fluctuation is only assessed on services invoiced in foreign currency to ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL and which can represent, depending on the trip, 30 to 70% of the total price.

Variation in the cost of transport resulting from the cost of fuel or other energy sources,

Variation of taxes and fees on the travel services included in the contract (tourist taxes, landing taxes or embarkation and disembarkation in ports or airports). Any variation will be fully reflected in the sale prices of the trip.

In the event of an increase in the sale price, regardless of its size, the information will be sent to the Customer in a clear and understandable manner with the supporting documents and the calculation, on a durable medium, no later than 20 days before the start of the sale. of the trip or stay. Pursuant to article R. 211-9 of the Code, when the increase in the amount of the fixed price is at least 8%, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will inform the customer in a clear, understandable and apparent manner on a durable medium of the increase, reasonable time to express its acceptance or refusal with cancellation of the contract and reimbursement without charge within 14 days and the consequences of its lack of response (application of the cancellation costs).


When the contract relates to a stay or a circuit, combined, self-drive, the Customer may assign it to a third party. The Customer must imperatively inform ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL of the transfer of the contract by any means allowing receipt of it to be acknowledged, at the latest 7 days before the start date of the trip, indicating precisely the name and address of the transferee and of the participant. to the trip, and justifying that the latter fulfills the same conditions as him to carry out the stay or the trip.

The transferor or the transferee will be jointly and severally liable for the payment of any balance of the price as well as the additional costs occasioned by this transfer, and will have to pay the costs provided for in article 5.4 below, corresponding to the modification made to the services of tourist packages. On the other hand, the Customer cannot assign his insurance contract(s). In addition, in the event of air transport if the ticket is issued, it will not be exchangeable or refundable by the airlines and therefore the transfer of the travel contract may be assimilated to a cancellation generating the costs provided for in these CPV.


The classification from 2 to 5* of the accommodation selected in the Hospitalities mentioned in the Offers according to French standards. ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL reserves the right to indicate or not the classification of the accommodation of the Partners referenced on the Site.
The Partners provide photographs and/or illustrations reproduced in the Offers and giving the Customer an overview of the accommodation services offered. These photographs and/or illustrations are intended to indicate to the Customer the category or level of accommodation comfort in addition to the tourist classification.



ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL is responsible for performing its contractual obligations within the strict limits of the Order.

ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will provide the necessary assistance to the Customer in difficulty, but will decline all responsibility and cannot financially replace the Customer if the non-compliance is attributable to him and in particular in the following cases:

– Costs generated for the loss of transport tickets by the customer (costs and penalties for reissuing tickets and costs incurred in particular in the event of immobilization)

– Debt contracted by the Customer with a third party (extra in hotels, etc.)

– Loss of identity documents or any other document essential to the trip.

ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL is automatically responsible for the proper performance of the obligations resulting from the travel contract within the meaning of Article L. 211-16-I of the Tourism Code. The Customer is informed that the responsibility of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL can in no way be engaged when the damage of an unforeseeable or unavoidable nature is attributable either to the Customer, or to a third party unrelated to the supply of travel services, or to circumstances exceptional and unavoidable (war, attack, riot, revolution, nuclear disaster, climatic or natural events such as cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, clouds, sandstorms, etc.).

In the event of application of its full liability due to the fact of its service providers within the meaning of the aforementioned article, the limits of compensation provided for in article L. 211-17-IV of the Tourism Code, in particular when international conventions circumscribe the compensation due by these service providers will apply. In other cases, the contract may limit any damages to three times the total price of the trip (except for bodily injury and intentional or negligent fault).

ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will not be liable in the event of an incident occurring during services purchased outside the contract and directly on site by the Customer from an external service provider or resulting from a personal initiative of the Customer.

Any Hospitality interrupted or shortened and, more generally, any service not consumed by the Customer, for any reason whatsoever, will not give rise to any refund.
No dispute concerning the price of accommodation can be taken into consideration after the start of the Hospitality. It is up to the Customer to assess before his departure whether the price of the Hospitality suits him.
The Customer undertakes to draw the attention of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL to any decisive element of his choice and to any particularity concerning him likely to influence the conditions of his Hospitality. Some Partners offer establishments equipped to accommodate people with disabilities. Any person whose mobility is reduced – traveling with or without a companion – as a result of a sensory or motor disability, age, illness or any other cause generating a disability whose situation requires special attention and adaptation to its needs in the services offered – must necessarily mention this particularity to ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL when placing the Order or in writing to the address 40 Avenue Raspail – 94250 Gentilly. Without this mention, no complaint will be taken into account after the start of the Hospitality if the facilities are not adapted to the Customer’s needs.
The Customer is solely responsible for his personal effects during his Stay. ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL cannot be held liable in the event of loss, theft or damage to personal effects in rental accommodation, common premises and adjoining car parks. Customers are responsible for the security of the rental accommodation during their Stay and it is their responsibility to take out insurance accordingly. Certain precautions can prevent them from any inconvenience: closing their bay windows before leaving their rental accommodation, locking their door, etc. The omission of personal effects inside his rental accommodation when leaving the premises cannot engage the responsibility of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL. The Client must hold civil liability insurance.
The completion of administrative and health formalities and the costs of passports, identity cards, visas, vaccinations, etc. are the responsibility of the Customer. Due to the evolution of the political and health situations of certain countries, it is the responsibility of the Customer to find out before his departure from ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL the formalities in force on the date of his departure.



ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL does not include any insurance in the prices of the services offered and recommends that the Customer take out an insurance and/or assistance contract at the time of the Order covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation, and/or covering certain specific risks, in particular repatriation costs in the event of accident or illness.

Depending on the offer taken out, you will have the possibility of taking out insurance with our partner: Presence Assistance.

In the event of taking out an insurance contract, the insurance policy taken out by the Customer will be sent to him. In any case, it is up to the Customer to fully understand the insurance contract, and in particular the clauses of exclusions, limitations or setting the terms of application of the insurance before subscribing to it. The amount of the insurance subscription remains systematically acquired and it is not possible to claim reimbursement, except in the event of cancellation of the contract by ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL without fault of the user. Claims are filed directly with the insurance company, respecting the terms and deadlines of the insurance contract taken out. If the Customer provides evidence of a previous guarantee for the risks covered by the insurance taken out, he has the possibility of terminating this insurance free of charge within a period of fourteen (14) days as long as no guarantee has been implemented.


Any request to modify the Order must be sent by email to the following address: serviceclient@travel.rolandgarros.com, by telephone to the number mentioned on the Site or by post to the following address: 40 Avenue Raspail – 94250 Gentilly .
Any modification of the Order entails the application of 100% fees of the total costs.


In accordance with article 211-14-I of the Tourism Code, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will apply real costs to any cancellation request, corresponding to 100% of the total amount. These appropriate costs correspond to the cancellation costs charged by its service providers and to the cancellation management costs borne by ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL. The Customer may request proof of these costs.

Any request to cancel the Order must be sent by email to the following address: serviceclient@travel.rolandgarros.com or by post to the following address: 40 Avenue Raspail – 94250 Gentilly and include the reservation file number entered in the confirmation email.

ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will confirm receipt of the request and the conditions for modification or cancellation.

The cancellation or modification of the Order does not exempt the Customer from full payment of the sums due to ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL de voyages.

In the case of complex reservations (multi-company, combination of hotels, tailor-made), several pricing rules for changes and cancellations may apply: the most restrictive conditions will apply by default.

ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will not be held responsible if the Customer directly contacts the Service Provider (hotelier, transporter) for a modification or cancellation without informing ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL.

Some products are non-cancellable and non-refundable.

Any Stay started will be considered as fully completed and will not give rise to any refund. If the Customer waives, during the Stay, one or more of the services ordered, he cannot demand any price reduction from ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL.


If, before departure, an external event is imposed on ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL, within the meaning of article L.211-13 of the Tourism Code, and forces it to modify an essential element of the Contract concluded with the Customer, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will notify the Customer as soon as possible and will offer him the choice between the resolution with reimbursement of the Contract free of charge within 14 days or the acceptance of the modifications (modification of the trip or replacement trip). If, after departure, an essential element of the Contract cannot be performed within the meaning of Article L.211-16 of the Tourism Code, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL will offer, at its own expense or with reimbursement of the price difference, replacement or arrange for the Customer’s early return.
In all cases where ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL would be forced to modify or cancel the Order, due to circumstances beyond its control or for reasons inspired by the interest or safety of the Customer, the latter will be reimbursed the sums corresponding to the services – performed and not replaced.
When a minimum number of participants is required for the performance of a Service and this number is not reached, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL informs the Customer:

– 20 days before the start of the trip whose duration exceeds 6 days

– 7 days before the trip, the duration of which is 2 to 6 days

– 48 hours for trips not exceeding 2 days.

The Customer will then be offered an alternative solution at the current rate, or a full refund of the sums paid, free of charge and within 14 days.

4.The possible modification of minor elements of the contract

The Customer will be informed in a clear and comprehensible manner of any following minor modifications, by email as soon as ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL becomes aware of them:

Price variation less than 8%
Hotel, of similar location within a radius of 5km
Order of visits
Organization of transfers



Air transport is subject to operational and safety requirements which may cause delays beyond the control of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL, which advises its Client to allow sufficient connection times for any connections, as well as to avoid any commitment on the same day and the day after his outward and return journeys.

ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL uses different carriers who retain their own responsibilities with regard to Customers. The carrier’s liability is limited by the terms and conditions set out in the Contract of Carriage appearing on the Customer’s ticket, and in particular by the provisions resulting from the Montreal Convention of May 28, 1999 and European Regulation 261/2004 of February 11, 204. In accordance with article L. 211-17 of the Tourism Code, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL’s liability is limited to the compensation provided for by the international conventions applicable to transport, in the event of damage and accidents that may occur to Customers, their animals and to their checked baggage, for the duration of the flight or during boarding, disembarking operations or during the period during which the carrier had custody of the checked baggage.

The schedules and types of transport mentioned are communicated by the carriers to ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL who informs the Customer by any means. They are therefore given for information only and are subject to change. The schedules, any stopovers and the means of transport planned will be communicated when the invitation is sent, but will remain subject to modification until the day of departure. Direct flights can be non-stop or have one or more stopovers. It is then the same flight identified by the same flight number. It may happen that the airlines working in alliance (code-sharing or code-share) issuing the ticket, have the flight operated by another company that is part of this same alliance.

Black list of companies banned from flying in the E.C.E.:

Pursuant to Article 9 of European Regulation 2111 of December 14, 2005, the list of airlines banned from operating in the EEC, updated on 06/25/2015, can be consulted on the Site: https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/Sites/default/files/Compagnies_examinees_comite_securite_aerienne.pdf

Airport summons:

Unless otherwise stated in writing, passengers are called for reasons related to air transport safety 3 (three) hours before the take-off time of the aircraft shown on their ticket. The Check-in Deadline (HLE) is the deadline after which passengers can no longer be boarded.

It varies according to the air carriers. In the event of non-compliance with the deadline, the reserved places may be allocated to other Customers, and no refund can be made.

Loss or theft of airline tickets:

In the event of deletion of the e-mail containing the “e-ticket”, the Customer must make a request to ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL so that a new ticket can be sent to him.

Pre and post shipments:

If the Customer organizes his own pre and/or post routing, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL strongly advises him to book modifiable and refundable tickets to compensate for any financial loss resulting from a modification or cancellation or delay of international flights.

Information before departure:

We advise the Customer to regularly consult his messages in order to be notified in the event of modification or cancellation of his Package trip or his flight. the Customer must inform ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL of any change of e-mail address or telephone number.

No-show at departure:

If the Customer does not show up for departure, check-in or the first Service at the times and places mentioned in his travel documents or if he finds himself unable to take part in the trip (failure to present the documents agreed necessary, such as passport, visa, vaccination certificate, or other causes…) in the absence of fault on the part of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL, the trip not carried out in whole or in part will in no case be reimbursed, for any reason whatsoever.

ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL cannot be held responsible for the Customer’s failure to check-in at the place of departure caused by a delay in air, rail or land pre-routing not organized by ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL even if this delay results from a case of force majeure, of a fortuitous event or due to a third party.

ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL offers the Customer insurance covering this risk. Thus, in the event of a no-show at departure, the Customer may approach the services of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL if he wishes ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL to attempt to keep the return flight, the decision remaining however at the discretion of the air carrier.

Service on board : Pursuant to Article 9 of European Regulation 2111 of December 14, 2005, the list of airlines banned from operating in the EEC, updated on 06/25/2015, can be consulted on the Site: https://www.ecologie .gouv.fr/Sites/default/files/Compagnies_examinees_comite_securite_aerienne.pdf

Airport summons:

Unless otherwise stated in writing, passengers are called for reasons related to air transport safety 3 (three) hours before the take-off time of the aircraft shown on their ticket. The Check-in Deadline (HLE) is the deadline after which passengers can no longer be boarded. It varies according to the air carriers. In the event of non-compliance with the deadline, the reserved places may be allocated to other Customers, and no refund can be made.

Loss or theft of airline tickets:

In the event of deletion of the e-mail containing the “e-ticket”, the Customer must make a request to ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL so that a new ticket can be sent to him.

Pre and post shipments:

If the Customer organizes his own pre and/or post routing, ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL strongly advises him to book modifiable and refundable tickets to compensate for any financial loss resulting from a modification or cancellation or delay of international flights.

Information before departure:

We advise the Customer to regularly consult his messages in order to be notified in the event of modification or cancellation of his Package trip or his flight. the Customer must inform ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL of any change of e-mail address or telephone number.

Service on board :

A growing number of airlines charge for meals and drinks on board. These Services are never included in the price of the contracted trip.


Return flight schedules must be confirmed with ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL or the company no later than 72 hours before the scheduled departure date.

Refund of airport taxes:

In the event of total or partial cancellation of a ticket or no-show at departure, the mandatory airport taxes are refundable. We remind you that plane tickets are issued upon booking. It is up to the buyer to make his request for reimbursement expressly from ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL or the airline. In this case, administration fees of a maximum amount of 20% of the price of airport taxes will be levied by the professional, with the exception of a request made online.


Checked baggage:

Each airline has its own baggage allowance policy. Most often the maximum weight allowed is 20 kilos per passenger. They must be labeled with your full contact details. The authorized excess is shown on the plane ticket issued to you. Any excess weight is likely to be taxed upon departure. Any excess baggage is the sole responsibility of the passenger. During transport, the air carrier is solely responsible for the checked baggage that you entrust to it. In the event of finding of delay, loss or damage to all or part of your baggage, you must immediately make a written declaration of delay, loss or damage and send it to the carrier. If you have taken out an Insurance Contract, whether through us or not, it is up to you to make the declaration to the insurer yourself.

Cabin baggage:

Each airline has its own policy regarding the acceptance of unchecked baggage in the hold. In general, only one piece of luggage is authorized in the cabin. It must weigh less than 5 kg and the total of its three dimensions (L – W – H) must not exceed 115 cm. We invite you to consult the website of the Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC) to find out about the measures restricting liquids and objects prohibited from transport in the cabin contained in your hand luggage.

During transport, hand luggage remains permanently under the sole responsibility of the Customers. ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL cannot be held responsible for the confiscation or destruction of objects deemed dangerous by the airport security services or for the non-boarding of your baggage in this respect.

Valuables and baggage:

We advise you to avoid taking valuables with you such as jewellery, valuable watches, laptops, etc. and comply with the company’s Conditions of Carriage. Otherwise, we also advise you to take out specific insurance covering the value of your valuables (special declaration of interest).

Pregnant women :

Airlines can deny boarding to a pregnant woman. ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL cannot be held responsible for this decision. The Customer must inform in writing of the presence of a pregnant woman at least one week before departure so that ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL can ensure that she is able to board. A medical certificate of good health and without contraindication to travel may also be required by certain airlines. It must be drawn up by a doctor no more than 15 days before the date of the trip, regardless of the date of the start of the pregnancy. This certificate must specify in which month the pregnancy is located at the time of the trip and mention the absence of any pathological condition.


The Site is an intellectual work protected by intellectual property law. The Site is the exclusive property of ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL.
Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the Site, or one of its elements, on any medium whatsoever, for other purposes, and in particular commercial, is expressly prohibited.
ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL does not control the content, advertising, products or services available on or from the sites linked to its Site and which it does not publish.

The company MYCOMM, supplier of the services presented on this site, is authorized by the French Tennis Federation to offer for sale the exclusive ticketing of the Roland-Garros Tournament combined with tourist services, on an exclusive basis, according to the Preamble of the present CPV.

In accordance with the terms of Article 313-6-2 of the French Penal Code, it is forbidden to “sell, offer for sale or display for sale or transfer, or provide the means for the sale or transfer of admission tickets” to the Roland-Garros Tournament, alone or in combination with other services, without the authorization of the French Tennis Federation. Access tickets include tickets, documents, messages or codes, regardless of their form or medium. Offenders are liable to a fine of €15,000 and €30,000 in the event of a repeat offence


The non-claim by ROLAND-GARROS TRAVEL of one of the stipulations of the CPV cannot be considered or interpreted as a waiver of its benefit.
If one or more stipulations of the CPV are declared invalid, the others will retain their full force and scope. In this case, the parties must, if possible, replace this canceled stipulation with a valid stipulation corresponding to the spirit and object of the CPV.
The CPV are governed by French law. The French version of the CPV prevails over any other version.